NAME Net::IPAddress::Filter - A compact and fast IP Address range filter VERSION version 20121112 SYNOPSIS my $filter = Net::IPAddress::Filter->new(); $filter->add_range('', ''); $filter->add_range(''); print "In filter\n" if $filter->in_filter(''); DESCRIPTION Net::IPAddress::Filter uses the XS module Set::IntervalTree under the hood. An Interval Tree is a data structure optimised for fast insertions and searches of ranges, so sequential scans are avoided. The XS tree data structure is more compact than a pure Perl version of the same. In initial testing on an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+, Net::IPAddress::Filter did about 60k range inserts/sec, and about 100k lookups per second. The process memory size grew by about 1MB per 7,500 ranges inserted. METHODS new ( ) Constructs new blank filter object. Expects: None. Returns: Blessed filter object. add_range( ) Expects: $start_ip - A dotted quad IP address string. $end_ip - An optional dotted quad IP address string. Defaults to $start_ip. Returns: None. in_filter( ) Test whether a given IP address is in one of the ranges in the filter. Expects: $test_ip - A dotted quad IP address string. Returns: 1 if test IP is in one of the ranges. 0 otherwise. FUNCTIONS _ip_address_to_number( ) Utility function to convert a dotted quad IP address to a number. TODO: Handle IPv6 addresses as well. Expects: A dotted quad IP address string. Returns: The integer representation of the IP address. TODO * Support for IPv6 Addresses. This would need a lot of work, as Set::IntervalTree uses long ints internally, and IPv6 needs 128-bit numbers. SEE ALSO * Config::IPFilter - Moose-based pure Perl IP address filter. * Net::BitTorrent::Network::IPFilter - Moose-based pure Perl IP address filter. * NET::IPFilter - Pure Perl extension for Accessing eMule / Bittorrent IPFilter.dat Files and checking a given IP against this ipfilter.dat IP Range. AUTHOR Dave Webb COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Dave Webb. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.